simtb_makeMotParams() - Generates motion time series Uses an AR(1) process (with fixed parameter at p=0.95) to generate translation in x and y directions and rotation. Usage: >> mp = simtb_makeMotParams(nT, dev, MAX_TRANS, MAX_ROT) INPUTS: nT = number of TRs (time points) dev = [1 x 3] vector of standard deviations of Gaussian deviates for [x-trans, y-trans, rotation] MAX_TRANS = furthest from 0 that x or y translation should get (based on simulations: dev=1 and p=0.95 gives max translation of roughly 10 pixels) MAX_ROT = similar to MAX_TRANS but for rotation in degrees OUTPUTS: mp = [nT x 3] matrix of motion time series (x-pos, y-pos, rotation) x-pos and y-pos are in units of voxels rotation is in units of degrees see also: simtb_addMotion()