simtb_balloon_model() - Nonlinear balloon model to generate TCs Usage: >> [tc] = simtb_balloon_model(eTC, P, x); INPUTS: eTC = [nT x 1] event vector TR = repetition time (in seconds) P (OPTIONAL) = vector of parameters for the BOLD generation model OUTPUTS: tc = [nT x 1] component time course see also: simtb_TCsource() ----------------------------------------------------------------- SEE: Friston, A Mechelli, R Turner, CJ Price, 2000. Nonlinear responses in fMRI: the Balloon model, Volterra kernels, and other hemodynamics. Neuroimage. Buxton, R.B. and Wong, E.C. and Frank, L.R. 1998. Dynamics of blood flow and oxygenation changes during brain activation: the balloon model. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. ----------------------------------------------------------------- hemodynamic model INPUTS: eTC - input (neuronal activity) (eTC) P - free parameter vector P(1) - signal decay d(ds/TR)/ds) P(2) - autoregulation d(ds/TR)/df) P(3) - transit time (t0) P(4) - exponent for Fout(v) (alpha) P(5) - resting oxygen extraction (E0) P(6) - echo time (seconds) (TE) P(7) - input efficacies d(ds/TR)/du) TR - repeat time (sec) (TR) OUTPUTS: tc - output BOLD signal