simtb_figure_output() - Shows TC/SM output for a given subject Usage: >> [cmTC, cmSM, comp_figure] = simtb_figure_output(sP, sub, TC, SM, plotit); >> [cmTC, cmSM, comp_figure] = simtb_figure_output(sP, sub, [], [], plotit); >> [cmTC, cmSM, comp_figure] = simtb_figure_output(sP, sub); INPUTS: sP = parameter structure used in the simulations sub = subject index TC = component TCs for subject, size [nT, nC]; leave empty to load from file SM = component SMs for subject, size [nC, nV*nV]; leave empty to load from file plotit = 0|1 to create figure OUTPUTS: cmTC = correlation matrix of TC cmSM = correlation matrix of SM comp_figure = figure handle see also: simtb_makeTC(), simtb_TCsource()